Kanon Miyashita – Violin

Kanon is a 22-year-old Japanese violinist. She started learning the violin at the age of 4 in Osaka and made her concerto debut when she was 14. She has won prizes in several competitions in Japan, including the Osaka International Music Competition.
Kanon moved to England in September 2013. She has completed the first year of the BA Music as well as the International Foundation Year at University of Southampton, and she led the Southampton University Symphony Orchestra in 2014/15 season. In September 2015 she transferred to the Royal College of Music in London, where she currently studies with Itzhak Rashkovsky.
Kanon performed in the Young Virtuosi Festival for the first time last year, which has deepened her interest in chamber music even more.
From time to time, Kanon goes back to Southampton as a soloist and as an orchestral player. Her recent concerto performances include Beethoven’s Violin Concerto and Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto (Op.64), both with the Southampton University Sinfonietta. She is also a member of the són masterclass scheme for young musicians, which provides her several opportunities to play in són, Southampton’s first professional orchestra.